Meeting Frequency and Re-Formatting Proposal

By: Cameron Drudge on 02/09/2023

Proposal to modify Reno Region, SCCA meetings Attendance at our monthly meetings is sporadic and it has become difficult to conduct the business of the Club, especially when there is no representation form one or more of our ‘programs’ at the meeting. This has resulted in calling ‘special’ meetings specifically for the purpose of planning and organizing individual program activities. These ‘special’ meetings are conducted on an as needed basis. Solo has held two of these planning meetings using a virtual meeting platform. I propose that we hold similar ‘special’ meetings for all Reno Region programs on an as needed basis. Our By-Laws as amended in 2013, Article III defines meeting requirements. I propose amendments to Article III, Section 2 and Section 6 as follows: Please submit your YES or NO vote on each proposal (Proposal 1 and Proposal 2) no later than March 23 by email to for your vote to be counted. ARTICLE III - MEETING OF MEMBERS Section 1. The annual meeting of the members shall be held in December of each year, for the election of officers, directors and committees, and for such other business as may lawfully come before the meeting. Section. 2 Regular meetings of the members’ shall be held monthly with the time and place to be at the discretion of the Directors of the Club. Proposal 1 ____ Section 2. Regular meetings of the members shall be held periodically, but not less than three times per year; with the time and place to be at the discretion of the Directors of the Club. Section 3. Special meetings. Special meeting of the members may be called by the Regional Executive, or by a majority of the Directors. Section 4. Notice of meetings. Notice of regular and annual meetings shall be in the Club Newsletter. Notice of special meeting shall be given by the Secretary by means of a written or printed notice, stating the place, day, hour and purpose of such special meeting of the members, not less than seven (7), nor more than thirty (30) days before such meeting, to each member to the address appearing upon the records of the Club. Section 5. At all meetings of the members, twelve (12) members or 5 Directors shall constitute a quorum. All action, except amendment of the Articles of Association and Amendment of the By Laws, shall be by a majority of those voting. Voting shall be by full members, in good standing, either in person, by signed proxy, or by absentee ballot. Ballots shall be distributed with the notice of meeting. Section 6. The Board of Directors shall meet at least monthly, separate from the Annual, Regular, and Special Meetings described above, at a time and place designated by the Regional Executive. The Board of Directors may meet by conference call or other electronic means, when appropriate. Proposal 2 ____ Section 6. The Board of Directors shall meet at least monthly, separate from the Annual, Regular, and Special Meetings described above; at a time and place designated by the Regional Executive. All action, except amendment of the Articles of Association and Amendment of the By Laws, shall be by a simple majority of the Directors. The Board of Directors may meet in person, by conference call or other electronic means. I further propose that we hold monthly Board Meetings (Online or In-Person) and that we hold Regular Membership Meetings a minimum of three times per year and make them combined social/business events as follows: April – brief business meeting and activity; August – brief business meeting and activity: December – Annual Meeting, business meeting/election of officers and Awards Banquet. Dave Deborde Regional Executive Reno Region, SCCA

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